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Srećko Horvat on creating a different Europe


"We have to start not just dreaming a different Europe, but actually creating a different Europe." On June 30, 2023 philosopher and political activist Srećko Horvat gave an inspiring keynote speech at the Brussels2030 Summer Assembly, envisioning a bolder, fairer, and more equal future for Brussels and Europe.

Delve into the theme

In his speech, Srecko referenced numerous philosophers, books and films. Below are his watch and read tips:

  • Die Welt von Gestern [The World of Yesterday] (1941) – Stefan Zweig
  • Bei den Sorglosen [At the carefree people] (1918) – Stefan Zweig
  • Die Hauptstad [The Capital] (2017) - Robert Menasse
  • Time Shelter (2020) - Georgi Gospodinov
  • Grand Hotel Abgrund [Grand Hotel Abyss] - Georg Lukács
  • Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (1983) - Benedict Anderson
  • The Soul of Man Under Socialism (essay, 1891) - Oscar Wilde
  • Questions From a Worker Who Reads (1935) - Bertolt Brecht 
  • Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men (2006)
  • Film Socialisme (2010) by Jean-Luc Godard
  • Triangle of Sadness (2022) by Ruben Ostlund
  • Or check out the films of Ousmane Sembène, read the diary of Franz Kafka and delve into the thoughts of philosophers Walter Benjamin and Gilles Deleuze.
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