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Critical Thinking within Islam #6: Lecture by Soumaya Naamane Guessous


Lecture and discussion

Sociologist Soumaya Naamane Guessous shares her perspective on femininity and sexuality in Islam, in the past and the present. Guessous is known for her book Au-delà de toute pudeur: la sexualité féminine au Maroc (1988). Through her in-depth investigations, she has opened windows onto often little-known realities, challenging taboos and arguing for changes in the law.

The discussion afterwards is moderated by Maryam Kolly. Maryam Kolly has a degree in Philosophy and Literature and a PhD in Social Sciences and Politics. She teaches at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles and at the Ecole de Recherche Graphique. 

This event is a collaboration between VUB Crosstalks, the Centre for Ethics and Humanism at VUB (EtHu VUB), Secular Studies Association Brussels (SSAB VUB), the Fatima Mernissi Chair of VUB, and Espace Magh, with the support of the VUB - Global Minds program. This event is part of the Critical Thinking within Islam lecture series.


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